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Officer Characters
Moderators: Copy-Cat, Slippery_Jim, Beckett, Junkyard_Dawg
Author Post
Sat Oct 15 2011, 11:23pm
Registered Member #541
Joined: Sat Oct 15 2011, 09:38pm

Posts: 10
Hey Copy-Cat!

I'm back! What happened to Last Resort? I want to get back into officer character development. Anything else new? I saw the Wet Works video released this month.

Hope to hear from you guys!

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Sun Oct 16 2011, 08:34am

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wed Nov 10 2010, 06:11am

Posts: 220
The Last Resort Website went down a few months ago, been working on the side untill website comes back on-line. SJ has been busy at work to put any time into it right now.I am eagerly awaiting his return to the project.

I made some discovereies on higher polygon models, it seems that the higher the polygon count the more textures are needed to make sure the model doesn't bug vertices out to the corners of the maps, up to 5,000 polys can be reached.

I don't have the original files for the models, but fortunately we can now import GSM's so I can get them back.

Let me know what you had in mind, and we can apply those ideas to the current model or redo the model from scratch. I'm always on TS sometimes AFK, but I usually return in a couple of hours.

I have all the files needed to get you up and running/creating/importing/exporting been preparing for the return of some of the best modders to return like you.

I have been working on some new maps. Creating/adding effects to maps only dreamed about back during Swat 3 glory days.

I look foward to working with you in this project.

[ Edited Sun Oct 16 2011, 08:38am ]
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