when I want to run the {CSF} offensive mod and the blue light mod at the same time the game gives some errors: Menubutton sprite'MM_restart_career_button' width is not correct
Menubutton sprite'MM_multi_button'width is not correct
Menubutton sprite'MM_overout_button'width is not correct
when I press OK I get the main menu, but when I want to start a game it says:
Texure RIFL_AK is an invalid size. must be between 8 and 256
Try running the mods seperately, to see if you get an error.
I don't remember if the BlueLight mod needs the Last Resort mod on or not. Check mod details.
In addition some mods don't like to be run together with other mods, this could be the source of the first errors. The AFK texture size most likely is the LRM mod not being enabled.
I will run both and post results when I have time.
As Copy-cat suspected the maker of BlueLight mod must have used a texture larger than 256x256 so that is why Last Resort had to be turned on. As for this new error I have no clue, sorry.
Both mods modify the benelli shotgun, with different gsm files, and ammo.
CSF mod Benelli GSM is the Bens.gsm this file is not in the mod.
the BlueLight mod uses the default benelli.gsm
The Super Shorty is also affected.
these two mods are not compatible with each other.
The Blue Light mod in addition was made by our very own
bAr0n with Last Resort in mind.
It is possible to make both of these mdos compatible with each other, I would try contacting bAr0n and asking for a fix. as far as the CSF mod, I will ask, but I haven't seen bounty2k3 in about 2 months.
I could fix the mods and reupload them, but this is not necessary since both mods are awesome by themselves.
It seems you have extracted the zip file into you missions folder. In general the Zips containing Missions and mods should never be unzipped, and should remain zips as they reside in your missions or mods directory.
If this is about the citi_cemetery map provide details in the News item and or a new forum post so this troubleshooting can be documented.
hmm... not exactly - I already dealt with mods and maps before, so I didn't unzip the map. I actually suspect some mod incompability as when I ran the game today on standart player models and weaps, everything worked fine... Don't know the true reason of that tbh... Well, thank you anyway :)
Ah i see, ok. It could be you have or had two copies of the map renamed...
As the creator of map I would like to know of any problems or compatablity issues so I can fix them. If you run into the problem again, please feel free to let me know.