I understand that SWAT3 is a game about having minimal loss of life.
But personally, when I play, my main priority is saving innocents.
If I am breaching a room, I will use a flashbang, or C2 explosive to help apply pressure on suspects to get them to comply. I will also shout orders for surrender. But if a suspect doesn't comply right away, I will aim for center mass. I don't want to risk losing additional lives by wasting time trying to get a stubborn suspect to comply. This doesn't mean that I will automatically shoot an armed suspect who is not an immediate threat. It just means I will expend less effort in order to gain compliance.
If he does give up right away, then that is good for him. But using CS gas, and yelling and waiting for compliance seems somewhat like a waste of time.
I guess what I mean is I believe in the principle of not losing momentum in a raid. I was always taught that raids should be done rapidly so you do not lose momentum and tactical advantage. Police forces may do things differently.
I try to arrest all the enemys, mainly by using CS gas. I don't like the police acting like rambo and due to the game engine, its the best way to make them give up. In reality they would probably overwheelm the enemy or tazer him and detach his weapon, but since its not possible in Swat 3, this is the best way to make them give up.
Maybe I have another point of view when it comes to police forces, since i come from germany. Its unimaginable here, that police uses deadly force here, until a certain point. As long as the officers have a small chance to end the situation without killing or harming the suspects, they will do. And when they start to shoot, they always try to aim for the extremities. When they would kill a suspect, they should have very good reasons to justify it.
SWAT3 is a game. I try to play the game as intended. I try to the best of my ability to complete the objectives assigned to me. This sometimes does not mean that I reservations about shooting a suspect. It just means that if it assigns me to arrest Martin Breener, I try to arrest Martin Breener to the best of my ability. However, if he injures myself or downs a fellow officer before the cuffs can be slapped on him, I may feel it necessary to take him down.
It is this freedom of choice that a player has within the perimeters of the game that makes it such a great game to begin with.
If the enemy shoots at me of my team, I shoot back on his legs of arms, this means that he's down but not death. only when one of my team is death, I shoot back on the chest of head.
If the enemy shoots at me of my team, I shoot back on his legs of arms, this means that he's down but not death. only when one of my team is death, I shoot back on the chest of head.
Haha this is a good topic. Everyone has different standards.
Let me think... ROE 101...
Personally, I do everything I can to get the suspect to comply. This includes flashbangs and CS gas, as well as yelling at them a lot. Another good thing is to have all of your officers move into the suspect's sight (but this isn't the best decision in larger rooms with more openings). The more cops he sees, the less likely he's going to shoot you or try something stupid. But be careful not to surround the suspect completely, so you make sure you all shoot in the same direction if the time comes. My limit is when a suspect raises his gun towards me or somebody else. Sometimes if the suspect is just standing there, and he won't respond to gas or multiple commands, I'll knock him with a less-than-lethal round. If that doesn't work (which it should), he obviously doesn't want to comply with us or get on the ground. I'll put them on the ground myself.
Another time I tend to react quicker with deadly force is if there are hostages in the same area as the suspect. It makes sense.
Also, this is just me, but when there's legit terrorists involved who've already killed and wounded a dozen civilians or so, ROE is gone out of the window for me. If they have a gun and they look like they are or could be a lethal threat, kill him. Don't get me wrong, I don't Rambo about gung-ho on everything, I still do what I can.
I think the AI in SWAT 3 tend to be pretty lenient when it comes to using lethal force. It happens a lot - a suspect just holding the gun in his hand and the AI decide to put rounds in him.
Personally, I think it doesn't make sense to try to shoot somebody in the leg or arm. I've always been taught "shoot to kill," not to give somebody a bad day and send them to the E.R. for a week. I'm not saying we shoot incapacitated suspects or anything haha. I mean, the suspect becomes a lethal threat. You become a lethal threat. That doesn't mean you shoot him in the kneecap.
That post was longer than it needed to be, but eh...