Mirrors are another texture-based system that can provide reflection effects. This is not restricted to a "mirror", per se, but can be used for things like reflective tile floors, water, etc. To make a mirror, create a base texture (in the case of a tile floor, make it look like an actual tiled floor, for a "mirror", make it a glass-like texture). The catch is, you have to name the file in a certain way: the file must include the word "mirror" followed by a number from 0 to 255, which specifies the level of reflection. 0 is completely reflective, 1 is completely non-reflective, and from that point on, 2 to 255, it ranges from very reflective to almost completely non-reflective.
Sample Texture name: tilefl_mirror50.bmp
Tips. 1. Mirror Texture names that do not contain a reflective # defaults to 0 fully reflective.
Note: Do NOT create a mirror which is in the visible range of another mirror. This creates an effect which can look through walls, and is unpredictable. It will NOT yield the desired results.