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Does anyone play online anymore?
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Moderators: Copy-Cat, Slippery_Jim, Beckett, Junkyard_Dawg
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Lord Beckett
Fri Oct 18 2013, 06:50pm
FaithLuria wrote ...

Its awesome to know that there are 50 people that still play, i wonder why dont we record our own like gameplays and post them on youtube possibly make a series maybe we can gain more members that way and make swat 3 the # 1 game played in 2013! :3

Come to TS, ask for unban, your sins are forgiven, my child. :)
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Fri Oct 18 2013, 08:10pm
Registered Member #2125
Joined: Fri Oct 18 2013, 08:06pm

Posts: 1
My oh my, good to see some familiar names while browsing the site :)

I too was in FSK, many moons ago, hell of time we had, ah the memories!

Havent installed the game atm, but if you guys still playing, might aswell take off the dust of the MP5!
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Mon Oct 28 2013, 05:23am
Registered Member #2147
Joined: Mon Oct 28 2013, 04:28am

Posts: 2
YES!!!! It is good to see some familiar names, I agree! I was the leader of [DP] - The Death Phantoms - for many years. I remember just about everyone.
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Thu Nov 21 2013, 07:06pm
Registered Member #31
Joined: Thu Nov 25 2010, 02:03am

Posts: 10
I still play online from time to time. Matter of fact reinstalling SWAT 3, Last Resort, Tunngle and mods as we speak. Rolled back from Windows 8 back to 7 earlier in the month :P Tried 8.1 out thinking it would have fixed the lag in SWAT 3 that 8.0 had. $1200 laptop shouldn't be doing that >.>
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Tue Nov 26 2013, 09:04am
Registered Member #2205
Joined: Tue Nov 26 2013, 08:57am

Posts: 3
ThunderStick wrote ...

Hi. I don't have tunngle installed and I'd like to know what the current state of player numbers is for you guys.

I certainly remember in 2008 when the MP servers were up that for most of that (last) year the servers were a literal ghost town.

If anyone can fill me in as to the current interest of playing I would appreciate it.

Here's a slice of history for you all (click to enlarge).

Hi everyone! I play, I hang out in the Tunngle SWAT 3 lobby like every evening waiting for people to show up. Currently me and my gf have been playing. I have created a Facebook page for SWAT 3 players with instructions on how to get it to work etc.

I hope more people will get Tunngle and get in there! I play really seriously with proper stacking, room clearing, reporting etc. I follow orders of the element leader and expect mine to be followed when I am the leader.
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