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Is it possible to command other SWAT officers?
Moderators: Copy-Cat, Slippery_Jim, Beckett, Junkyard_Dawg
Author Post
Fri May 24 2013, 02:09am
Registered Member #1855
Joined: Fri May 17 2013, 10:43pm

Posts: 2
I know usually SWAT elements are in teams of five... but sometimes, that's not enough! I know it's possible to add a second element to get 10 officers, but you don't get to control them or command them.

Is there a mod out there or could someone make one where you can command the other element's officer's? Like Red 1, Red 2, Red both, Blue 1, Blue 2, Blue both, Element 1, Element 2, Everyone?

It'd be nice being able to control all ten officers.
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Tue Nov 06 2018, 04:12pm
Registered Member #2770
Joined: Tue Nov 06 2018, 03:29pm

Posts: 5
i am not sure if someone gonna read this after so many years, but you can try to switch camera to the other element.
then push and hold the "View Port Command" key
now you should be able order commands when activet the red coursor on the camera. tbh i dont know it it works with the 2nd element
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