Hello everyone I saw this supposed mod in the 'included mods' of the Urban Chaos part 3 and I was wondering if there is a link or site where I can download it separately? I've only been playing Swat 3 for about 2 years now(very late I know) and saw that this and lots of other mods were available from 10-david.com and hot-swat-mods. Is there anywhere I can find those?
I see what you are talking about. That mod is pretty much in other multi mods as well, the 4 items in the RTRT Sniper Mod are: Binoculars (as secondary) hkpsg1 Sniper Rifle (in most mods) Robar Sniper Rifle (in most mods) Rem700 Sniper Rifle (in most mods)
Any experienced modder would be able to extract this mod from the Urban Chaos Mod 3.
Do you have a list of items withing the RTRT Sniper Mod that prob was not included in the UrbaChaos mod? maybe from the old 10-david site that can be viewed with waybackmachine backups of old sites.
I have some time today, around 2:00pm CST if you want I can help you extract it.
Thanks for the info. Any help would be appreciated. I'm not at all clever with editing files and such, in reality it was the Rem700 that I was most interested in. But if you can help me that would be great
Or if you would mind extracting it for me it would be very appreciated. On another note, are there any good sniper specific missions out there? I enjoy sniping in Chang's theatre, but thats getting tired now XD
I dont mind, extracting the Rem700. I will research it and see what else is in the RTRT Sniper Mod, that wasn't inlcuded and get back to you on the status.
The best mod IMO is the DnC Multi Mod Final you will find several sniper rifles including the Rem700 with updated scope textures.
Another Sniper map is the WetWork COD4 port map. The Sniper spawn is the Blue2 Element 1, if hosting a coop with friends.
Thanks for doing that for me, I really appreciate it :) By the way, you mentioned binoculars in the sniper mod. Do those have any purpose for single play or are they just for show?