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Hi im new to SWAT 3 modding, I want to create a new mission
Moderators: Copy-Cat, Slippery_Jim, Beckett, Junkyard_Dawg
Author Post
Sun Aug 25 2013, 07:31am
Registered Member #2036
Joined: Mon Aug 19 2013, 07:42am

Posts: 3
As Im new, can anyone tell me how to create and generate textures?I also want to know how to create and generate the full solid map.

The dat files(missioninfo, missionobjectives and missiosounds) are they created before or after the mapping process.

Thsnk you
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Sun Aug 25 2013, 07:03pm

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wed Nov 10 2010, 06:11am

Posts: 220
Most ideas for maps start off as a fresh empty map. And build your geometry from there.

To get you started on textures, copy the Sample map into your missions folder, rename the folder to you map for example "Island_Estate". And rename the Wad file found in the mission/textures folder to your map name.

When you add textures to the Wad file, you are essentially adding textures to your map, once you use the texture, the texture must exist in the textures folder before building your map in WC. All Textures need to be 24bit and a power of 2.

Wad files are edited using Wally. If you are using the wad file in WC, it can only be edited if WC is closed.

The dat files are necessary to add functionality. The dat files also are necesary for swat3 to run the map. One file in particular is the missioninfo.dat.

For information about this, and more. Visit the FAQ pages in you Swat 3 installation, or Visit us on TeamSpeak, we will do our best to explain it.
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Tue Aug 27 2013, 01:20pm
Registered Member #2036
Joined: Mon Aug 19 2013, 07:42am

Posts: 3
Thanks, Copy-Cat, the faq pages in the installation directory did help me a great deal.

But, I came acroos a ptoblem in WC. In configure worlcraft - dialog box, in the game configuration tab, I had to set up the directories.

The main installation directory is

Can you tell me how to set up the mod directory and the RMF directory or where the rmf directory will be located?
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Tue Aug 27 2013, 11:18pm

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wed Nov 10 2010, 06:11am

Posts: 220
If you have a few minutes I will be on TeamSpeak.
I have not tested WorldCraft nor the mapping tools on the GOG version, since I own and use the original TGOTY edition. It might work but the directories might be a little different.
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