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Welcome to Swat 3 Reunited! The reunion is near!
DnC Multi Mod UPDATE
I had originally thought that the DnC Multi Mod Final was actually going to be it's final release. It was requested to have two specific weapons be added to our list. I am happy to announce that I have successfully added the MP5SDA3_A and the MK23SD_ SOCOM from the Blue Light Mod ! Both of these additions are built with HD textures. The MP5SDA3_A has a functioning aimpoint laser ! Just press the button that is mapped for the flashlight and you will be able to paint your targets with a red dot laser!!

Enjoy this new DnC Multi Mod Final V 1.2

Posted by P0V3RTY on Tuesday 09 July 2013 - 07:41:53 | Read/Post Comment: 3 | printer friendly
Posted by Thepixies on 2013 Jul 26
Reply to this DnC Multi Mod UPDATE
Registered: 2013 Jul 25
Comments: 1
Excellent Mod. Might Just make a swat 3 server with my laptop and start a clan~~THEPixieS
Posted by thetim on 2013 Nov 08
Reply to this DnC Multi Mod UPDATE
Registered: 2010 Nov 12
Comments: 2
Awesome job dudes!

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Members: 1720
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2024 Apr 27
It's uploaded! Enjoy!

2024 Apr 21
May we please get the flash to frag mod uploaded?

2024 Mar 03
You no Longer need to log in to download. Just browse and get what you need to create or join and existing game!

2023 Oct 28

2023 Oct 22
Latest Forum Posts
Posted by Junkyard_Dawg
I am on the hunt for other fragmentation grenade m[more ...]
2024 Apr 25

Posted by Copy-Cat
Creating a mod, a pack, a compilation mod is one t[more ...]
2024 Mar 05

Posted by bounty2k3
Awesome. I'm on.
2023 Dec 24

Posted by Copy-Cat
TS server passord is swat3reunited
2023 Dec 24

Posted by bounty2k3
The TS server now requires a password. Would anyo[more ...]
2023 Dec 24

Latest Comments
[news] Swat 3 Reunited is back
Posted by Copy-Cat on 2023 Oct 08
Well after 2 days, Finally got the site back up an [more ...]

[news] Swat 3 Reunited is back
Posted by Alper on 2022 Dec 19
hello! it is good to see you guys alive and well. [more ...]

[news] Swat 3 Reunited is back
Posted by Copy-Cat on 2021 Dec 31
I added a few COOP maps to the download section, c [more ...]

[news] Alpha version of Bluemoon released
Posted by Copy-Cat on 2020 Oct 09
Hopefully in the next while the beta version will [more ...]

[news] Swat 3 Reunited is back
Posted by BigKadoLB on 2019 Aug 20
thank you for keeping it up and running!! :)

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Members: 1720, Newest: Pieck_F
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