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New Version of Last Resort Mod Out

It has been a long time since a new version of the Last Resort mod was released. Since then Windows 10 was thrust upon all of us and sadly caused issues for Swat 3.

Version 0.7.1 of the Last Resort mod addresses many of those issues to make the game once again run smoother.

There are a lot of new features with the Last Resort launcher but there are also many bug fixes from the previous version.

Visit the Last Resort website and download version 0.7.1 of the mod.

FIX UPDATE: There was a bug that affected some Windows 7 users. I have fixed that issue and re-released the mod that was originally out Jan 12. If you didn't have any issues you don't need to re-download it.
Posted by Slippery_Jim on Sunday 15 January 2017 - 13:19:51 | Read/Post Comment: 14 | printer friendly
Posted by Slippery_Jim on 2017 Jan 23
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Comments: 6
I have fixed the bug with the Last Resort Launcher in v0.7 that caused it to crash for some Windows 7 users.

For clarity sake I have renamed the new version 0.7.1 but if you didn't have any problems with it there is no need to re-download it. Both versions are essentially the same in operation.
Posted by Slippery_Jim on 2017 Feb 06
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Comments: 6
Fun to see the video with the new textures of Last Resort. The only problem is when I watch it I notice all the textures I have yet to improve :)
Posted by Swedish on 2017 Feb 13
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Registered: 2016 Nov 30
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We're lucky to have you :)
Posted by Swedish on 2017 Feb 15
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Registered: 2016 Nov 30
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jim, can you remove non-working videos from this thread and this message? :)
Posted by Slippery_Jim on 2017 Feb 16
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Comments: 6
I wish I could but I only have limited admin privileges. They don't trust me with all the keys to the kingdom. ;)
Posted by Copy-Cat on 2017 Feb 16
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Comments: 21
I'm sorry for the late reply, I just updated your admin status so you are free to modify things a bit more, hopefully we can get this site updated soon.
Posted by Slippery_Jim on 2017 Feb 16
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Comments: 6
Thanks Copy-cat.

Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely

Wait I meant:

With great power comes great responsibility.
Posted by Ramirez on 2017 Mar 28
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Registered: 2016 Mar 05
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thnx ! ;)

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2024 Apr 27
It's uploaded! Enjoy!

2024 Apr 21
May we please get the flash to frag mod uploaded?

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