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Camo 4 Helmet ! GSMhacking ?
Moderators: Copy-Cat, Slippery_Jim, Beckett, Junkyard_Dawg
Author Post
Sat Nov 10 2018, 09:06pm
Registered Member #2770
Joined: Tue Nov 06 2018, 03:29pm

Posts: 5
i hope someone can help me.

Swat3 EEdition´s backcover has a screenshot
of the Swat Assault Class (swt_swt3)
with camoflage on his helmet.

how do i get it for Element RED (or even Blue)?

do i have make some changes @ to activate this feature
or gsm hacking ?

this is the most confusing thing for me in swat3 EE then and now.

but i am glad its nothing what effects the gameplay.
that mystery need to be solved.
thanks in advance

[ Edited Sat Nov 10 2018, 09:07pm ]
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Sun Nov 11 2018, 03:10am

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wed Nov 10 2010, 06:11am

Posts: 220
Post a picture of it, we can prob help. Or join us at The Studios - Swat 3 Mapping and modding channel on ts3

DnC Teampseak 3 Server

[ Edited Sun Nov 11 2018, 03:10am ]
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Sun Nov 11 2018, 02:36pm
Registered Member #2770
Joined: Tue Nov 06 2018, 03:29pm

Posts: 5
the thing is i dont like to use ts3.
my avatar should show the picture i am talking about.
but luckily i managed to create "new models" with GSKIN Tool.
i could not sleep or rest becaus if this -.-
gsmhacking dosnt work properly on this mashine so i am glad gskin is all what i needed.

i thought it could be easy to activated or just add some new lines @ modcamo.dat but i think if this would work i never could have half of my team with camo and the other without. i think it would be more of a replace than adding something.

only to remove the shiny feature gsmhacking is needed.

and yeah i use only paint as my graphic tool on some good day maybe even gimp but no fancy software.

thank you for your fast reply.

i can upload my creation if someone use to like.

oh and here is the link in case my avatar dosnt show anything or a too small picture.
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Tue Nov 13 2018, 05:56pm
Registered Member #2770
Joined: Tue Nov 06 2018, 03:29pm

Posts: 5
i hope i can still receive some help here in this forum thats the only reason i reg myself. i won´t reg again on ts3, beside if there is a solution it should be visible for other users aswell i think.,119834/

on the second picture from the left you can see some swat classes.
the class i am looking for is second from the right. olive green vest & some kind of gold camo helmet. its bad picture but enough to see the collours. i can try upload a better one.

no need to rush but i hope i get my final answer to close this case.
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Wed Nov 14 2018, 06:11pm
Registered Member #2770
Joined: Tue Nov 06 2018, 03:29pm

Posts: 5
website must be a bad joke... ts3 3rd party programs no way i get this trash... are u fucking kidding me ? i am out of this ridiculous forum.
beside all the clown player i saw didnt use this software serious. i never play with handicpaed.
also i notice alot of rainbow SEX gay fanboys and lame mods/maps music shows me the community is made by freaks. no thanks

and yeah what kind of bad joke is it when i asked something and a picture is already present ? like talking nobrainer bot
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Thu Nov 15 2018, 12:34am

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wed Nov 10 2010, 06:11am

Posts: 220
We are sorry you feel that way. I will look into your request.

If needed I will post a comprehensive tutorial on how to accomplish this and other skin mods.
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Thu Nov 15 2018, 02:09am

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wed Nov 10 2010, 06:11am

Posts: 220
from what i can tell the all the single player models and the Assaulter(swt_swt3) model have the same helmet UV texture coordinates.

After 30 minutes of extensive testing, manipulating the UVs, and replacing the helmet texture with all of the available textures; I managed to find the correct Texture they are using is the "SWT_CITY_LEGS2.bmp" texture.

The UV do not need to be skewed or resized, just moved to coordinates 0, 0.
That should get you close to the picture.

As far as how to make the other models:

Quick Fix
For single player, make a mod with new gsm models that have their helmet UV coordinates adjusted and the camo texture applied. Then select city as the camo in-game.

For Multiplayer, make a mod with only the Assaulter, and raider gsm's with modded UV coordinates adjusted.

Complicated fix
I can post a tutorial but it will involve, modifying camo.dat adding new gsm models and a texture naming convention, and the use of Maya 6.0 or 8.5 to export your models' gsm's.

Multiplayer only!
You are basically making a new model to choose from from the list of models in multiplayer in-game menu screen. Create your new models, use as many OE textures as your can to minimize the size of your mod. You cannot modify these OE textures or will show on other models that use the same texture.

Add your new models in the skins.dat, and finally add your new model in the mpmodels.dat.

Choose your new models for each of your 4 team members in-game.

Let me know if this helps. I won't make the mod for you but will help in any way I can.

Your not dealing with nut cases here, you are dealing with folks that have taken this game apart and put it back together again, and again and again. We know what we are doing when it comes to this game.

[ Edited Thu Nov 15 2018, 02:11am ]
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Thu Nov 15 2018, 02:34am
If you don't like our apples, don't shake our tree. No more of that Stormfront stuff either.

[ Edited Thu Nov 15 2018, 02:38am ]
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Mon Nov 19 2018, 12:06am

Registered Member #30
Joined: Wed Nov 24 2010, 06:40pm

Posts: 159
Manhattan wrote ...

shows me the community is made by freaks

Some of my favourite people are freaks.
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