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Using the ODZ
Moderators: Copy-Cat, Slippery_Jim, Beckett, Junkyard_Dawg
Author Post
Mon Nov 29 2010, 09:20am
Registered Member #5
Joined: Thu Nov 11 2010, 04:11am

Posts: 49
A great way of insuring trouble free clearing of a room and or unsecured location is done with tactical aides. CS gas and Flashbangs are typically used in this application. CS gas grenades look more like small soda cans and are used to deploy tear gas in a selective location. CS gas causes unprotected individuals to cough in spasms making it difficult to breath. It also causes eye irritation, making it almost impossible to see clearly. CS gas is the preferred method of subduing a suspect. The other method is by way of surprise. Flashbangs, when deployed provide a blinding light and ear thundering sub sonic boom. Both act as a distraction allowing the officers the upper hand, especially in hostage situations.
Both of these tactical aides work best if one understands the optimal deployment zone or ODZ for each type. The best way to determine what type of aide is to be used and where in a room it is to be deployed for maximum effectiveness, is gained through on sight intelligence, the use of the Optiwand, or building plans. The majority of times its done at the scene with the Optiwand.
For example : The point man uses his optiwand and sees 2 suspects, no hostages, and a few objects such as tables and chairs scattered within a room. Knowing where suspects are and where obstacles that might hinder movement when entering, can greatly increase chances of a successful clearing. It will also let you know in what location is the best for the deployment of tactical aide. In the above situation, CS gas would best be deployed in an area near the suspects or as close as possible and NOT in a location which would slow the effect of the aide. If a flashbang were to be deployed, it is most effective when deployed in an unobstructed area. This location , I have dubbed as the Optimal Deployment Zone or ODZ.
Practice the above steps and soon you will find that utilizing the ODZ is key to successful clearing and team safety.
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Tue Apr 12 2011, 09:38pm
Registered Member #225
Joined: Sat Mar 12 2011, 06:39pm

Posts: 6
Nice... I just brech bang and clear every room, killing people who shoot at me. Got me through the campaign
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