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Do you Have a New Idea for a mod? (Post it here)
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Moderators: Copy-Cat, Slippery_Jim, Beckett, Junkyard_Dawg
Author Post
Mon Feb 13 2012, 08:55pm
Registered Member #651
Joined: Tue Feb 07 2012, 05:05pm

Posts: 3
Hey Copy-Cat!

Pleasure to see that, you are still working on the project.
I like your videos on youtube, most of what you created with Cy-Fox.

I make a (Weapon/Officer Character) models which is compatible with the basic game but quality look better than the stock models.

Here is the video I uploaded to the youtube:

Interested in your opinion!
Mp5A4 and M14 weapon shown in the video, is not my work!

The model has been prepared:
16 Officer Character and the last Officer model converted from swat4
6 weapon:
beretta 92fs 9mm (seen in the video)
MP5K & MP5K-PDW (seen in the video)
P90 Standard & Tactical (This is also seen in the video)
Tipmann98 paintball gun

Following projects:
Many Officer Character and weapons
And a few friends who play airsoft games:It is one of them

Not yet fully ready but I would be happy if the test models.
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Mon Feb 13 2012, 10:34pm

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wed Nov 10 2010, 06:11am

Posts: 220
I have been impressed by your work ever since you posted pics on the last resort website.

I have been working closely with [BBE] FOX on some new character models and skins. It would be awesome if you joined the mod team (of 4) to finish up the project. Currently we have been helping each other on our own projects, but will soon return with full force to complete it. Please contact me using our sister gaming site DnC and or thru email or on TeamSpeak if you have it installed.
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Sat Feb 18 2012, 05:41pm
Registered Member #541
Joined: Sat Oct 15 2011, 09:38pm

Posts: 10
Hey SteelPainter, nice work!

I started a thread "Characters: Post your character work!""

When you get a chance, I encourage you to post some examples of your work there too.

Thanks buddy!
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Sat Mar 10 2012, 03:16am
mods a moonraker laser lol. the game seems to have almost every cool weapon as a mod except that.

it would be cool if someone made a laser tag map, with elements similar to what is seen in the map gignworld.
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Fri Mar 30 2012, 11:37pm
an m-32 grenade launcher using the multimod grenades as ammo :)
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Sat Mar 31 2012, 05:29pm

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wed Nov 10 2010, 06:11am

Posts: 220
This one!

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Sun Apr 01 2012, 02:42am
Copy-Cat wrote ...

This one!

Yes that one lol. Also there should be a way to shoot light sticks with some wacky gun.
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Wed Aug 15 2012, 05:07pm
Registered Member #929
Joined: Sat Jul 21 2012, 09:38am

Posts: 14
I got a mod idea, a mod which changes every player audio to more radio like, ya know the SAS clan? yeah like their go dynamic sounds etc, and maybe like a 3d minimap for large maps! but it shows your team locations on it, i also wonder a mod with like a scar L and H also with a um...galia if im right assault rifle :3 its kinda intresting in my head and epic, maybe some SAS characters?
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Tue Aug 21 2012, 11:14pm
Registered Member #929
Joined: Sat Jul 21 2012, 09:38am

Posts: 14
a world war 2 mod!

Edit : a swat 4 mod? it would be sorta fun at least lol

[ Edited Wed Aug 22 2012, 11:58am ]
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Fri Jan 04 2013, 10:23pm
Registered Member #1441
Joined: Mon Dec 31 2012, 06:07pm

Posts: 5
Never saw Ak's mod.There is ak47 and 74 but what about modern ak's?Like ak103,107 etc,an 94...russia have many great guns especialy smg's like Veresk or bizon.Swat 3 need russian weapon pack and skins of alfa,vityaz,krechet and and other units
i'am boring of US shit...M4, M16,navy seals,swat bleeeeeh i need something different

[ Edited Sat Jan 05 2013, 12:02am ]
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